The Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) Recruitment 2022 – 01 Posts, Salary, Application Form – The Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT): DIAT invites application for the following post are purely on contractual basis of Eleven (11) months, which are hereby mentioned. Government Jobs In Gujarat Are Purely Available Pune Location From The Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) For REGISTRAR this Jobs is government of Maharastra Jobs Is Current ly Available for All, this vacancy has no any exam. The Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) recruitment for REGISTRAR is walk in interview on 10th jan 2022 at Deputy Registrar (Admin), Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (Deemed to be University), Girinagar, Pune (Maharashtra)-411025
The Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) Recruitment 2022 – 01 Posts, Education, Application Form
Latest The Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) Recruitment 2022 Notification | |
Organization Name | The Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) |
Post Names | REGISTRAR |
Advertisement No. | 02-NTS-2021 |
No. of Posts | 01 |
Application Starting Date | 29/12/2021 |
Application Ending Date | 31/01/2022 |
Category | Government Jobs |
Selection Process | Direct Recruitment |
Official Site | |
The Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) Job Vacancies with Age Limit
Name of the Post | Number of Posts | Age Limit |
REGISTRAR | 01 | 57 Year |
The Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) Recruitment 2022 – Educational Qualifications and Monthly Salary
Name of the Trade/ Discipline | Educational Qualifications | Monthly Salary |
REGISTRAR | (i) Master’s Degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in UGC seven-point scale.
Scale Pay 10, 7Th Pay Commiission |
How to p[ay Application Fees The Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) Recruitment 2022?
Application fee 1000/- for General, OBC, EWS category and 500/- forSC/ST/PWD (Divyang) & Woman candidates. Applicants are permitted to remit the application fee online and attach transaction slip along with the application. Account details for remittance of application fee are as under:-
Beneficiary Name : Defence Institute of Advanced Technology
Beneficiary Bank Name : State Bank of India, Branch-IAT Girinagar, Pune-25
Type of Acct & Account No : Current Account: 10735399254
Bank IFS Code : SBIN0002155; MICR Code : 411002021
How To Apply For TThe Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) Recruitment 2022?
Apply on specific application form downloaded from the `Career’ column of Institute’s website,
Complete the application, affix recent passport size colour photograph and send along with proof of educational qualifications, indicating the year of obtaining the degree, proof of experience in a sealed envelope super-scribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF REGISTRAR” against ‘Advt.02-NTS-2021’ to the Deputy Registrar (Admin), Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (Deemed to be University), Girinagar, Pune (Maharashtra)-411025 latest by 1700 Hrs on 31 Jan 2022
The Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) REGISTRAR Important Notes
(a) The applicants are requested to go through all the instructions carefully and ensure that they fulfil all eligibility conditions. Their admission to all stages of the recruitment will be purely provisional and the final selection is subject to fulfilling the eligibility conditions. Hiding of information and providing false information will lead to cancellation of the candidature at any stage of recruitment.
(b) Candidates should carefully fill up all the required details in the application form includingage, Educational qualifications, Specialisations as per Para 3 above, details of valid category/PWD certificates, Experience, the details of the payment etc., as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained. If any of their claims is found to be incorrect, it will lead to rejection of their candidature
(c) Persons serving in Govt./Semi-Govt./PSUs/HEIs should send the completed application along with all relevant supporting documents, duly self-attested, THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL. However, such persons are advised to send an advance copy of their application to avoid procedural delay.
(d) The Institute shall not be responsible under any circumstances for any sort of postal delay.Applications received after the due date is liable to be summarily rejected.
(e) All qualifications obtained by the candidates should be from any recognized University/Institution.
(f) The candidates are advised/ required to visit the Institute website
regularly. The list of candidates short listed for further participation in the selection process such as presentation/interview etc. will be displayed on the above website. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from candidates regarding reason for not being called for interview/outcome of interview.
(g) DIAT reserves the right to shortlist the candidates and also, not to fill up the positionadvertised in case of non-availability of suitable candidates. Also, Institute reserves the right to modify / defer or cancel the advertisement / recruitment at any stage of processing, without assigning any reasons.
(h) All Original documents with one set of self-attested copies and four passport size recentphotographs of the candidate will have to be produced at the time of interview for verification (if shortlisted).
(i) Mere fulfilment of the above-mentioned qualifications/ experience etc., does not entitle acandidate to be called for interview. Where number of applications received in response to the advertisement is large, it may not be convenient or possible for the Institute to interview all the candidates. The Institute may restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable limit, on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than that of the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. Candidates should, therefore, furnish all the qualifications and experience possessed in the relevant field, over and above the minimum qualifications prescribed.
(j) The candidate is responsible for correctness and authenticity of the information providedin the application. If it is found at later date that the information given in the application is incorrect/false, the candidature/appointment/service is liable to be cancelled/ terminated.
(k) In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which is detected at anystage even after the issue of appointment letter, the Institute reserves the right to modify/cancel the appointment and withdraw any communication made to the candidates.
(l) In case of any dispute, decision of the Vice Chancellor, DIAT Pune, shall be final. Anylegal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement can be instituted in Pune and courts/tribunals/forums at Pune only shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try any such cause/disputes.
(m) Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fee once paid will NOTbe refunded on any count nor can it be held in reserve for any other recruitment or selection cycle/process.
(n) Any form of canvassing, directly or indirectly will result in disqualification of the
The Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) Jobs 2022 – Application Form, Notification
Online Downolad Registration Form
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