Start Downloading The Call Letter Of GSSSB Senior Clerk Exam 2022 All those candidates who have applied for the recruitment of Sr Clerk are now waiting for the GSSSB Sr Clerk CPT Call Letter 2022 for the exam of Sr Clerk to be released. In this article, we are going to discuss when, where and how to download the CPT Call Letter for GSSSB Sr Clerk Recruitment 2022. GSSSB Sr Clerk examination will be held from 20/06/2022 to 26/06/2022 (11:00 AM to 12:15 PM and 15:30 to 16:45) in various centres of the state. The GSSSB has come up with the recruitment of Sr Clerk Posts. Under this recruitment, the Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal has decided to fill vacant posts for the Sr Clerk Post.

These vacancies are further distributed according to the post that comes under this recruitment. We will discuss this further in this article. For the recruitment, the candidate who applies for the post on the official website of GSSSB. GSSSB has announced the dates of the Examination and now they are publishing the CPT Call Letter for the post of Sr Clerk by GSSSB.
GSSSB Sr Clerk Hall Ticket 2022
GSSSB Sr Clerk Hall Ticket 2022 will be discussed here. GSSSB Sr Clerk Prelims Exam Date, Hall Tickets release date & Download link are available now. Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal has come up with new recruitment around the state for the citizens of Gujarat. GSSSB Sr Clerk Exam Date 2022 – The posts that they have come up for the recruitment are different Sr Clerk posts. For that, the application process has already started on the official website of GSSSB. Many interested and eligible candidates have already applied for the post.
In the selection process of recruitment, there will be various stages. In the first selection stage, a screening test or preliminary exam will be conducted in different centres around the state from 20/06/2022 to 26/06/2022 (11:00 AM to 12:15 PM and 15:30 to 16:45) .
After the exams, an document verification round could also be there. All the candidates who will be able to clear all the stages will be given jobs. The hall ticket for the exams will be available on the official website of GSSSB. All the candidates who will apply for the post can download it from there. To download the Hall Ticket the candidates will be requiring the login details.
GSSSB Sr Clerk Recruitment 2022 CPT Call Letter
The CPT Call Letter of GSSSB Sr Clerk recruitment 2022 will be available on the official website of Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal. The Hall Ticket will be available on the official website a week before the exam. GSSSB Sr Clerk recruitment 2022 examination will be held from 20/06/2022 to 26/06/2022 (11:00 AM to 12:15 PM and 15:30 to 16:45) in various centres of the state. All Candidates who have applied for the exam should download their CPT Call Letter using their login details. All the candidates who have applied for the exams should download and take a printout of their CPT Call Letter for the exam because no candidate will be allowed to enter the examination centre without their Hall Tickets or CPT Call Letter. Candidates should also carry identity proof like an Aadhar card, Voters card, Driving License etc. with them to the examination Centre.
GSSSB Sr. Clerk CPT Syllabus 2022
- Duration: 1:30 Hours
- Total Marks: 100 Marks
- Gujarati Typing Test: 30 Marks
- English Typing Test: 20 Marks
- Computer Practical Test with Reference to The Basic Knowledge Of Computer Applications as Prescribed in Appendix-G of E.R. Notification: 50 Mark
Practical Test Computer Proficiency
- Preparing a note in word file: 10 Marks
- Preparing a Power Point for Presentation based on data Provided: 15 Marks
- Preparing an Excel Spreadsheet and answering an arithmetic problem: 15 Marks
- E-Mail (with File Attachment): 10 Marks
- Note: Computer Proficiency Test will be taken on Microsoft Office 2013 edition.
- Available Key board for Gujarati language test:
- Gujarati Transliteration
- Gujarati Typewriter
- Gujarati Typewriter (G)
- Gujarati Inscript
- Gujarati Indica
- Remigntan Indica
- Special Characters.
- Gujarati Terafont
Steps to Download GSSSB Sr Clerk CPT Call Letter 2022:
Firstly, candidates have to visit the official website of GSSSB e.g.
After that on the homepage, click on the link “GSSSB Sr Clerk CPT Call Letter 2022”.
Now fill in the details asked i.e. registration number and date of birth.
After clicking on submit button, the admit card will open.
Download it and take a printout of it for future use.
Name of posts: Sr. Clerk (Class-3)
Advertisement No.: GSSSB/201920/185
CPT Date: 20/06/2022 to 26/06/2022 (11:00 AM to 12:15 PM and 15:30 to 16:45)
Download Call Letter Date: 10/06/2022 to 20/06/2022
Important Links
Other Important Links:
- Ojas Adda Home Page