RTE Gujarat Admission 2020-2021

RTE Gujarat Admission 2020-2021: RTE means Right to Education, Education is free in Government School but in Private School Education Fee is Comparatively very high, RTE Help BPL Card Holder’s Children to Get Free Education till 8th Class. RTE Gujarat Admission is conducted by Gujarat Government Authority those Who Seeking the Admission in Primary School Standards.
Education has been an important factor in the growth of our country. India spent only 3% of its total GDP on education. In regards to the primary education, RTE (Right To Education) is an important act of the Parliament of India. Which describes the free and compulsory education in India for the children having age between 6 and 14?
The Bill passed in the Rajya Sabha on 20 July and Lok sabha on 4 August. The law came into implementation on 1 April 2010 in whole India except Jammu and Kashmir by the speech of former prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. But now after the abrogation of article 370 Jammu and Kashmir will also get the benefit of this RTE Act.

It was based on article 45 according to that every child gets ECCE-Early child and education till the age of 6 years. It was an 86th Amendment act,2002 under which article 21A is inserted in the constitution of India to provide free and compulsory education, as well as it makes education as a fundamental right for children between the age of 6 to 14 years. With this India became a 135th country to make education a fundamental right for every child.
The MHRD had set up a high-level, 14-member National Advisory Council (NAC) for implementation of RTE act and the members of which were very high in positions included Kiran Karnik, former president of NASSCOM; Krishna Kumar, former director of the NCERT; Mrinal Miri, former vice-chancellor of North-East Hill University; Yogendra Yadav – social scientist. India, Aboobacker Ahmad, vice-president of Muslim Education Society, Kerala, and many more.
About finances 65% of finances will be borne by the Central Govt. and 35% of the finances will be borne by State Govt. For North-Eastern states, this ratio will be 90:10 for Centre:State as per the official data.
How to Apply for RTE Gujarat admission 2020-21 Online application
For RTE central government has formulated rules and model for the state government but the final decision is on state government about the formulation and implementation. Therefore there are different websites available for different states.
It is a common question of most of the parents that how we can take part in admission under RTE?
So according to official RTE admission authority, people/parents can take part in admission in both the ways offline, as well as online.
For offline admission you just have to download admission form, from the official portal and Parents need to visit the nearest Sewa Kendra for RTE admission form filling and submit the form there with all necessary documents at Sewa Kendra.
you will also get help in form filling from the officials and other necessary guidance.
Link of the official portal: https://rte.orpgujarat.com/
One of the Benefits of this website is that it is available in 2 languages English and Gujarati. You can access and use this site with any of these 2 languages by option given in the upper right corner as shown below.

For online application parents need to submit online form before the last date. The RTE admission process will take place in 3 rounds. If in the first round you won’t get admission or not in your preferred school, parents can take part in round 2 and round 3 afterward.
In online application parents need to upload all required documents in given format and prescribed size. Then submit all the details. Please recheck all the details before final submit because after final submit you won’t be able to edit.
After that there will be list of nearest receiving centers. Choose as per your convenience from that list and you have to submit print of that form at that receiving center. If you are still confused see steps for online applications.
Step1: visit official website given here (https://rte.orpgujarat.com/)
Step2: click on the “online application” from the homepage. (See Below Photo)

Step3: click on New registration if you registering first time (or) if you have already registered then enter registration number and DOB (date of birth)
Step4: Enter correct details carefully and submit all the required documents in the prescribed size.
Step5: click on submit.(Before final submit please recheck all your details for the mistake if any)
Step6: choose your preferred receiving center and you can save form it for future purposes and also remember registration number for future use.
Step7: Take a print out of the form and submit at your receiving center.
RTE Admission form 2020 – 21 For Gujarat State
For Fill Up the Application Form, You need to follow some basic, steps, Application Form Available in 2 languages, Gujarati and English
Step-1: Download RTE Admission Form 2020-21 From Here
- Gujarati language: Application Form For Gujarat (available soon)
- English language: Application Form For Gujarat (available soon)
Step-2: After Downloading the form print it and fill the required fields
Step-3: Attach All the necessary Documents ( List Mention Below)
Step-4: Submit this form to the school of your choice.
Required Documents
There are common documents required for the RTE registration which are to upload in the online process or submitted Xerox for the offline process. There may be some myths spreading about different documents. But you can see the official list of documents from the official website given below.
Which includes Address proof, caste certificate, birth certificate, photograph, income certificate, bank details, aadhar card, and some special documents for BPL holders, or the child with a disability, or who is living in an orphan. But also these documents are already there on the homepage, you just need to download from that and fill.
List of Required documents
No | Document | Valid Certificates |
1 | Address Proof | Aadhaar Card/ Passport/ Electricity Bill/ Water Bill/ Election Card/ Driving Licence/ Ration Card/ Notarised Rent Agreement |
2 | Parent’s Caste Certificate | Mamlatdar, Social Welfare Officer, Taluka Development Officer or Competent Officer Certificate |
3 | Birth Certificate | Gram Panchayat, Nagar Palika, Maha Nagar Palika Birth Certificate/ Hospital Register Certificate/Anganvadi, Balvadi register Certificate/ Parent or Guardian’s Notorized Affidavit |
4 | Photograph | Passport size colour photograph |
5 | Parent’s Income | In case of old income certificate: Mamlatdar, Taluka Development Officer or Competent Officer Certificate. For New income certificate: only E-dhara center/Jan Seva kendra income certificate will be valid. |
6 | BPL | Parents who are in 0-20 score (points) of BPL category should get the certificates from following offices: (1)For Rural area: Certificate of Taluka Development Officer or Director, District Rural Development Agency. (2)For Urban area: (a)For Municipal Corporation: Deputy Municipal commissioner or competent officer authorized by municipal corporation. (b)For Municipality: Certificate of Chief Officer of Municipality. (c)For Notified area: Certificate of Chief Executive Officer or Administrative Officer. In all those urban(city) areas, where beneficiery list is unavailable for the BPL 0 to 20 score, beneficiery will have to produce a BPL certificate specifying the BPL no under the BPL list issued by a competent authority. BPL ration card is not valid proof for BPL category. |
7 | NDNT | Mamlatdar, Social Welfare Officer, Taluka Development Officer or Competent Officer Certificate |
8 | Orphan | Certificate of Child Welfare Committee (CWC) of concerned district |
9 | Child in Need of Care and Protection | Certificate of Child Welfare Committee (CWC) of concerned district. |
10 | Children belonging to Child care Institution | Certificate of Child Welfare Committee (CWC) of concerned district Or Labour & Employment Dept Certificate. |
11 | Child Labour/Children of migrating Labourers | Certificate of Child Welfare Committee (CWC) of concerned district Or Labour & Employment Dept Certificate. |
12 | Mentally Challenged Child Cerebral Palsy | Civil Surgeon Certificate |
13 | CWSN | Civil Surgeon certificate (minimum 40%) |
14 | HIV affected Children | Civil Surgeon Certificate |
15 | Children Of Martyred Soldiers | Certificate of authorized person of related department. |
16 | Child Aadhar card | Copy of Child Aadhar Card |
17 | Parent’s Aadhar Card | Copy of Parent’s Aadhar Card |
18 | Bank Details | Child or parent’s passbook copy |
Eligibility criteria for RTE Admission 2020-21 Gujarat
- Children should belong to the nearby areas of the school in which they want admission.
- Family Annual Income for SC & ST category should be up to 2 Lakhs Per Annum for RTE admission.
- Family Annual Income for OBC should be up to 1 Lakhs Per Annum for RTE admission.
- Family Annual Income for general Category should be Upto 68,000 Annum for RTE admission.
- Age Limit
- Children who born between 2 June 2012 to 1 June 2013 are eligible for RTE 25% Reservation / Scholarship.
Latest RTE admission 2020-21 date for Gujarat state
As you all know, since the past 3 months India is greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and due to that, all sectors including education are not in good condition. In fact due to this pandemic there are lots of new opportunities in to level up the education system by using different modes and technology.
There are lots of fake messages are spreading around about the dates of RTE admission and say that it is closed, but it is a myth, and reality is that there is no decision is taken for by the government for RTE admission 2020-21.
People are scared about it because this official site is also showing that “application is closed” as you can see from below. But in reality it is about the previous year 2019. You can see that no site is showing only the latest data for the 2019 year, there are no updates about 2020.

There are many websites that were showing the tentative or expected dates for RTE admission but now the situation is far different. So at present, there is nothing to panic about as soon as the situation will under control all everything will work as usual.
How to Check RTE Gujarat School List
To check the school list in which you can get admission in your neighborhood under RTE to follow simple steps are given below.
Go to official website. or Click this link- School List (https://rte.orpgujarat.com/Common/SchoolList)
You will Find

- click on the Search Button
You will get names of all the schools come under the RTE act.
Provisions under RTE act
- RTE for the person with disabilities until 18 years of age is laid down under separate legislation called the person with disabilities act.
- In this act there is a special provision for special training of school drop-outs that means for a non-admitted child to be admitted to an age-appropriate class. According to this act all private schools are required to reserve 25% of seats for disadvantaged under RTE and that fund is to be reimbursed by the government.
- Here free education means the school can not charge any kind of fees or expenses such as tuition fees, uniform fee, books, study material etc.
- In early years when RTE 2009, just started one of the objectives of the government was to minimize the detention of the students.
According to this act earlier till 2019 the provision was that no child required to pass the examination until the completion of elementary education means class 1st to 8th called no-detention policy. But in the last year of 2019 No detention policy under this Act scrapped by the government. Means now after these students of s are std 5th to std 8th required to attempt and pass the examination Basically this bill has given the power to states to decide whether to implement no-detention policy or not.
- RTE Act provides children to education within the definite area of limits of the neighborhood.
- No denial of admission and transfer, no corporal punishment.
- SMC-school management companies should be there.
Teachers should be qualified as per the requirement. There was a time given to teachers to acquire the required qualification. 11 lakh teachers are appointed till March 2015. As per the RTE amendment act 2015, teachers had given time till 2019 to acquire minimum prescribed qualification for the RTE.
Detailed provisions of RTE
Here are some points given below which are included in the RTE provision but it is important to note that not all these points are implemented till now. it depends on the different states and locations and how much they spend on this activity. It mainly depends on how much particular state government is interested in improving the education sector.
Number of teachers For class 1st-5th
- Admitted children (Up-to 60)-number of teachers required =2
- Admitted children (Between 61-90)-number of teachers required =3
- Admitted children (Between 91-120)-number of teachers required =4
- Above 150 children -the number of teachers required =5 teachers + 1 head teacher
- Separate toilet for boys and girls
- A kitchen where mid-day meal is prepared
- Playground
- Safe and adequate drinking water
- At least one classroom cum office cum teacher’s room for every teacher
Minimum no of working days
- 200 working days for 1st-5th class
- 220 working days for 6-8th class
Instructional hours
- 800 instructional hours per academic year for 1st-5th class
- 1000 instructional hours per academic year for 6-8th class
- There shall be a library in each school providing newspapers, magazines, books, including storybooks.
Play material
- sports and games equipments shall be provided as per the requirement.
The reality behind the RTE/How successful the RTE was/effect of RTE
A report on the status of implementation of the Act was released by the Ministry of Human Resource Development on the one year anniversary of the Act. Report Admitted that 8.1 million children in the age group 6-14 remain out of the school and also there was a shortage of around 5 lakh teachers countrywide.
After implementation, many good private schools were closed because of license and procedure requirement.
Parents mindset about the migration of students from government to private school. One of its results was in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, and Chhattisgarh around 24000 gov. school closed.
This clearly defines status of government schools in India which is very poor compared to other countries.
There no penalties if there violation of rules regarding infrastructure by government schools as per section 19.
As per the report of august 2016 presented in parliament by HRD minister, only 6.4% of schools follow the norms in the context of infrastructure.
- enrollment in public elementary school is fell by 1.8 cr.
- average enrollment fell from 122 to only 103 pupils per government school
- the recognized private school rose by 1.7 crore
- for average school size of 4.17 lakh schools was a mere 28 students per school which are most unviable and non-economical.
Lots of problems faced by private schools in terms of reimbursement like low rate, delay, corruption, political interference etc.
RTE prohibits
- Physical punishment and mental harassment
- Screening procedure for the admission of children
- Capitation of fee or donation
- Private tuition by teachers
- Running of school without recognition
FAQs on RTE Gujarat Admission 2020-2021 Online Application Form
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